Sajda - recognized by more than 300 thousands of Muslims of Central Asia as the most accurate application to determine the prayer times, including Azan, the direction of Qibla, Islamic Hijri calendar and so on.
Sajda shows the exact prayer times in:
- Turkey
- Kazakhstan
- Russia's largest cities
- Singapore
- Uzbekistan
- The Republic of Tatarstan
- The Republic of Dagestan
- The Republic of Chechnya
- Tajikistan
- Kyrgyzstan
- (soon coming new countries)
• Accurate, approved by the clergy prayer times for each country.
• Adhan: visual and audio notifications of calls to prayer with different voices to choose from muezzins.
• Today menu widget to access prayer times directly from your device
• Animated Qibla compass showing the direction of Mecca.
• A live broadcast of Masjid al-Haram mosque (Makkah).
• Beautiful background pictures for your taste.
SAJDA translated into:
• English
• Russian
• Kazakh
• Uzbek
• Arabic
• Turkish
• (soon more)
қазақстан намаз уақыты, врема намаза россии, ўзбекистон намаз вақтлари, o‘zbekiston namoz vaqtlari, тоҷикистон намоз вақти, татарстан намаз вакыты, нохчийчоь ламазан хенаш, türkiye namaz takvimi</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>